So our minds are still reeling from all the awesomeness that was Blog Elevated 2014.
This was our second year to attend the Blog Elevated conference, and once again, it did not disappoint.
We had a little mushy moment when we realized that this time last year we were at BE, blogging separately and contributing to another blog and this little space was a mere dream.
And here we are, one year later, living that dream. Our little blog is real and it’s thriving {at least in our opinion}.
It would be impossible to narrow down our favorite speakers, becuase they were ALL amazing.
We will say that Bjork and Lindsay from Pinch of Yum are phenomenal. Like, for real.
They were such great teachers with such great take always that we are just bursting at the seams to implement so many of the things we learned.
Not to mention the gorgeous Audra Kurtz had a RAD break out session on Vlogging and you know we were all about that.
We were able to connect to amazing brands like Kroger, Imperial Sugar and Ahalogy.
We met amazing bloggers from all over and we got to spend the weekend with some of our bloggy besties in a beach house sharing all we learned and laughing until the wee hours of morning.
This conference was SO needed for us. Probably more than we even know.
We have been having such a rough time balancing going back to work and blogging and raising our families and this conference was exactly what we needed to refresh and be inspired and encouraged and we are ready to kick things into high gear.
We are fully committed to our little community we have grown here and we are are thankful for each of you!
Buckle up mamas….we have some AWESOMENESS in store for you.
Until next year Blog Elevated……
Had a blast with you girls!!!!! Love y’all!
You all are so funny! I wish I could have seen you both this past weekend!