Being a mom is not for the faint of heart, but being a working mom opens a whole different set of challenges and way of life. I’ve been at this working mom thing for over four years now – this week actually marks four years since the week I first went back to work after maternity leave. I’m far from an expert, but there’s a lot I’ve learned in the past four years, things working moms know all too well. So, to the working moms out there:
Dear Working Mom:
Who loves her job: You are amazing. You are setting an example your children will never forget – that moms can go after their dreams and have fulfilling careers.
Who works to pay the bills and have benefits, but doesn’t love it: Thank you for being you, for providing for your family the best way you know how. You are teaching your children responsibility.
With a side hustle or passion: Keep at it, mama. Never forget to do the things that make you happy, but make sure you still get some sleep.
Who wants to be a stay at home mom: If that’s truly your dream, mama, figure it out. If you can’t, treasure every second you get to be with your kids.
Who hoards her PTO in case a kid is sick: We’ve all been there, mama. It’s not a fun use of time off, but we all know the kiddos want mama when they don’t feel good. One day the day will come that you can actually use your PTO to do something fun, like a real vacation.
Who works through lunches to get everything done: You deserve a break. Please take one once in a while.
Who spends all her breaks pumping breastmilk for her baby: I know, spending all your time hooked up to a pump is no picnic. You are doing the best you can for your baby, and any length of time you provide breastmilk is amazing. But if you want to stop, don’t feel guilty. That’s okay too.
Who skips girls nights: I know, time with your kids is the most precious thing there is. You might feel guilty. So many of us have been there. We also know the extra work girls nights take for you, and if you don’t have it in you, we understand. On the other hand, if you want to go – make sure you do. Every mom deserves a night off.
Who is lonely: Call a friend. It may not be the same as having one there with you, but it helps. We know all too well the struggle to make and keep friends in this season of life, especially ones you can see in person.
Who hasn’t worked out since before babies: If you love it, squeeze in pockets of time for it. If you don’t, then don’t worry about it for now. Take walks with your family and that will be workout enough.
Who can’t remember the last time she cleaned the bathrooms or vacuumed: A lot of us can’t either. Just do the best you can.
Who went to work after being up with a baby most of the night: Here’s some coffee. We’ll be counting the hours with you, and if you need a nap while you pump, just make sure to set an alarm.
Who never has enough time with her kids: Honestly, that’s so many of us, working or not. Make the time you do have count. Give your kids your full attention every chance you get.
We see you, working mom. This is just a season and it’ll be over before you know it. We see you. And you know what? You’re doing a great job.
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