Hi friends!! I want to take a moment to express how excited I am to be working with Moms Without Answers! This just goes to show you how empowering this group is, we all just want to smile, laugh, and walk through motherhood together. As for myself, I strive to relate to mothers everywhere because we all need a helping hand at some point in our lives.
Moms have to be my all time favorite topic to write about. Not only because I am one but because Moms are seriously a few of the best people in this world.
Lately though I’ve been noticing some Moms totally cut themselves short. They second guess their abilities and in return second guess their children actions.
Im sure we’ve all been there before. However, motherhood is a constant battle of trial and error, and thats okay.
We’re here to remind you to keep going through the tears, the sleepless nights, and the long days.
To the mom who has no friends, keep on being the best mother you can be and in turn your real friends will find you.
To the mom who compares herself to other moms, stop it right now. Everyone is fighting their own battle, some just hide it better than others.
Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed. – Linda Wooten
To the mom who feels self conscious about her body, embrace what your body was capable of and put your mind at peace. You gave the world life, and you are appreciated.
To the mom who extends her day another hour to squeeze in a workout, don’t ever loose sight of why you started. Your habits WILL inspire your kids.
To the mom who has no help from others, keep fighting for happiness, your children depend on seeing your smile at the end of the day.
To the mom who thinks she’s screwing it up, guess what? You’ve already proved you aren’t because you obviously care enough to question if you’re really giving it your all.
To all the moms who sacrifice their priorities in order to give their children a life greater than their own, I applaud you. Don’t forget to give yourself some quality time in between it all though.
Motherhood is not easy, some days you’ll need a break, other days you’ll conquer the world.. But EVERY SINGLE DAY you are making a great change to the world.
Do you relate to any of these Moms above? What is something you want Moms to know?
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