Hey Mamas! Happy Monday.
You ladies ready for another awesome week?
We are. Or at least we are trying to be…
One thing that is sure to get your week off to a good start……watching us make fools of ourselves at Target of course. And what better way to do that than with a little Target TMI TAG.
That was special huh? Everyone needed to know the Target pee story clearly. It’s no surprise we love to over share. We are all about the TMI.
Shout out to our friend Sarah, she may not be the best camera guy (either that or her finger wanted it’s 5 seconds of fame), but we love her lots anyways and are thankful she put up with our late night shenanigans.
Ok, so now we want to know…….
1) What is the most amount of money you have ever spent on a single Target shopping trip?
2) How much do you spend on an average Target trip?
3) Most random thing ever purchased at Target?
4) Most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you at Target? Can you top the pee story?
Michelle!!! Your pee story is epic!
Haha! Sorry about my finger sneaking in. Not sorry for all the giggling. If you don’t like it stop being so funny!
dividing the popcorn…genius. Pee story…epic. “That looks like an interesting evening”…best line.